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LUX would like to express our support and gratitude towards our healthcare professionals

across the UK.

The healthcare industry has demonstrated incomparable compassion and selflessness, working and fighting tirelessly on the front line to help the country manage and copy with COVID-19 and make sure patients are receiving the best care possible.


We at LUX wants to thank and give back to all NHS workers.

Therefore LUX, at this unprecedented time, is giving an online 30% DISCOUNT to all


Reach out to ask us for your

Promo Code


Please refer to the government website for the latest updates on COVID-19:

#NHSWorkers #NHSfrontline #Healthservicediscount #NhsStaffBenefits #Freebies  #SW12   #Coronavirus #LondonDiscount  #Covid19  #NHSbadge  #IDcardNHS #SupportLocalBusiness

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